Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Beal City Public Schools Education Foundation Fund

The Beal City Public Schools Education Foundation provides support for endeavors within the Beal City Public School District.

The Beal City Public School District is known for being a close knit community. There is a total of 650 students, K-12, all in one building. Superintendent William Chilman reflects on the students’ school spirit, “The students literally bleed blue and white.” This sense of community and pride is what inspired Chilman and the rest of the Beal City School Board to establish this fund.

Beal City Schools logo

Earnings from the fund can be invested in anything from educational resources for teachers, equipment for athletics or new instruments for the band. Chilman explained that the impact of the fund is, “something I may never see, but in the future the impact should be a positive stream of revenue for Beal City staff, students, and other community members to benefit the Beal City area.”  The growth of the fund will be monitored by a board comprised of about 20 community members. Beal City Public School District staff, administration, parents, school board representatives and community members are all included in the Board’s makeup.

The fundraising began with the efforts of the district’s superintendent. When it was time for Chilman to sign a new contract, agreeing to remain as superintendent for an additional five years, Chilman declined the raise the district offered him and instead used the money to establish the school district’s endowment fund. Since that donation, other donations and fundraising ideas have flourished. The 2009 Beal City Senior Class is one example of a group that has donated money to the fund. Future fundraising efforts on behalf of the fund will also revolve around the district’s sense of community; organizations such as the football team and school theater will be utilized to raise money.

As Chilman says, the Beal City community is full of “love, care, support, and a high quality education.” This fund will help to maintain a quality education in a small close knit environment.