Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Barbara L. and George W. Dunn Family Fund

The Barbara L. and George W. Dunn Family Fund was started on December 29, 1999.

Barbara and George have lived in the Mt. Pleasant area since 1982 and have been active in a variety of arenas both through their own interests and through their professional responsibilities. These include Art Reach of Mid-Michigan, Women’s Aid Service, Action for Our Kids, Immanuel Lutheran Church, as well as international activities. Barbara owns Creative Ideas, an interior decorating business. For many years, George was President of Middle Michigan Development Corporation, an economic development organization serving Isabella and Clare Counties.

Barbara and George Dunn. Barbara is standing behind George with her hands on his shoulders

Since the Dunn Family Fund’s establishment, more than $7,000 has been granted to important causes throughout the community. Most recently, the fund supported a suicide prevention pamphlet distributed by Community Mental Health, outdoor play equipment for the Morey Public School Academy, and emergency transportation needs met by the John H. Goodrow Fund. The earnings from this unrestricted community impact fund will benefit our changing community for years to come.