Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Harkins Community Fund

Connie and Jack Harkins have been good friends to the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation. In her honor, and to memorialize her life, Jack started the Harkins Community Fund in 2010.

Connie and Jack Harkins

Connie and Jack are both CMU graduates and were married on June 14, 1965. They chose to remain in the Mt. Pleasant area where they raised their 3 children, Elizabeth, Christia, and John. Connie was a member of the Sacred Heart Parish, the Mt. Pleasant Jaycee Auxiliary, the Mt. Pleasant City Club, and the Central Michigan Community Hospital Auxiliary where she supported patient and staff needs.

Jack's business career was a 30 year employee and eventual co-owner with Rudy Kler of Lease Management, Inc. Rollie Denison, the former owner, served as a mentor to Jack guiding him in both business and philanthropy. The Harkins Community Fund is a donor advised fund that will allow the Harkins family flexibility to address changes in our community over time.