Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Ray and Georgia Martin Leadership Fund

The Ray and Georgia Martin Leadership Fund was established in March 2000. The fund was created by former Community Foundation board member and Emeritus Trustee, Shirley Martin Decker, in memory of her parents. The leadership fund provides operating support for the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation helping to ensure community members have the opportunity to participate in philanthropy.

Both Georgia and Ray were heavily involved with the local community.  Georgia was known for her work at the local radio station WCEN. She was commonly referred to as “The Story Book Lady” or the “Safety Story Lady” for her well-remembered radio program “Word to the Wives.”

Ray and George Martin

Closest to Georgia’s heart was her work with the children in the community. She also took part in many worthwhile fundraising benefits. She was an active member of the Red Cross, Zonta Club, Parent Teacher Association, Sunday school, Rosebush Council, March of Dimes, Safety Council and the First United Methodist Church.

Raymond Bowers Martin worked for Pure Oil and The Leonard Oil Company, after moving to Michigan in 1935. He served as an Isabella County sheriff’s deputy from 1940-1960, spending six of those years as the Civil Defense Director. Mr. Martin was also the Isabella County Sheriff from 1961-1964. He was very involved with the community in a variety of other aspects including being a member of the Red Cross, Isabella County Safety Council, Fraternal Order of Police, Royal Arch Masons, Rotary Club and the First United Methodist Church.

Ms. Decker said, “It was important for me to establish this fund in memory of my parents because I am a strong believer in the Community Foundation and what it does for the local community.” Decker has high hopes for the future impact of the fund. She plans to keep giving to the fund to retain the memory and presence of her parents among members of the local community.