Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Elizabeth Miller and Bruce LaPointe Community Needs Fund

The Elizabeth Z. Miller and Bruce H. LaPointe Community Needs Fund is an unrestricted fund started in 2003 as a way to provide the Foundation with funds that would be used to address the changing needs of Isabella County residents. A community impact fund allows grants to be made for a variety of needs or projects in Isabella County, as seen fit by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation Board of Directors.

Both families have been actively involved in their respective communities. Beth’s parents led by example with their philanthropy and community-mindedness by originally starting a scholarship fund at the Midland Area Community Foundation. After retirement, Beth and Bruce looked for their own ways to give back. It was an easy decision to seek out the MPACF to do so.

Elizabeth Miller and Bruce LaPointe

Beth and Bruce originally began this community impact fund because of the many varied needs in the community. By setting up a community needs fund, they felt the MPACF and its directors were well suited to decide where proceeds would make the biggest impact. They hope that the fund continues to grow into the future.

“Funds like this are important so that community needs can be met that might otherwise not be. This is an outstanding community, and funds like this form such a good platform for giving back”.

Both Beth and Bruce have worked in the business and education field for many years. They felt that starting this fund was a great way to contribute to the community. They are both active volunteers and are involved in various community projects. They are proud to have started this fund because the MPACF can reach people and places Beth and Bruce cannot.