Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Dr. Leonard E. and Louise A. Plachta Fund

The Dr. Leonard E. and Louise A. Plachta Fund was established as a community impact fund in 2012 to support projects that are not covered by other funds at the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation. A community impact fund is not limited to a specific field of interest or to a specific organization. The Board of Directors reviews and makes the final decisions on best, prudent use of funds.

“We wanted our money to support worthwhile projects that benefit causes not covered by other funds at the Foundation.  It was, and is, our hope that our community impact fund will help to serve the needs of the citizens of Isabella County and to contribute to community improvement,” Louise said.

Leonard and Louise Plachta

Native Detroiters, the Plachta family moved to Alma, Michigan in 1970 and then to Mount Pleasant in 1978. Dr. Plachta chaired the Business Department and taught at Alma College before beginning his tenure, in 1972, as an Accounting professor at Central Michigan University. He was promoted to Dean of the College of Business Administration and then in 1992 was named president of CMU. He served as president until 2000. Louise was a secretary in several different departments at CMU until 1992, when her husband became president.

The Plachtas have two daughters: Linda, Doctor of Physical Therapy at Detroit’s Receiving Hospital, and Laura, Doctor of Pediatrics in the Columbus, Ohio area. Both are graduates of Sacred Heart Academy. The senior Plachtas are graduates of the University of Detroit.