Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Mid-Michigan Chapter of Safari Club International Fund

Local members of Safari Club International (SCI) established the Mid-Michigan Chapter of Safari Club International Fund with the purpose of supporting programs dedicated to wildlife conservation, outdoor education, and humanitarian services. With over 350 members, the Mid-Michigan SCI Chapter raises money that goes to community conservation efforts through the collection of membership dues, licensing, selling hunting permits, and the accumulation of other hunting fees. Examples of projects the Mid-Michigan SCI has previously supported include moose transplantation from Canada to Michigan and a survey of the wolf and bear populations in the state.

local members of Safari Club International

Recently, Mid-Michigan SCI board members decided to endow money raised with the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation to provide lasting support toward current and future projects in the community. President Don Harter explained, “Many members of the club spearheaded the creation of this fund so that money could be set aside for other people down the road to utilize.”

Beyond conservation, the Mid-Michigan SCI provides assistance to the hungry, and opportunities for youth and veterans. Through a program titled Sportsman Against Hunger, 21,000 pounds of wild game were donated to the Isabella Community Soup Kitchen, local churches, and other locations to feed those in need. As a part of the Mid-Michigan SCI’s focus on hunter education in the community, special hunting opportunities have also been designed for youth and veterans.

With this fund, community members will have their own opportunity to contribute to the fund for projects such as these. Safari Club International is one of the leading organizations supporting wildlife conservation in the world. Almost 49 million dollars have been spent on conservation, wildlife education and humanitarian programs in our nation since 1979. According to the SCI Foundation (SCIF) website, “Whether it involves feeding millions of hungry each year, offering free healthcare and supplies to impoverished communities, introducing blind children to the wonders of wildlife, or helping the terminally ill or disabled fulfill lifelong hunting wishes; SCIF is committed to its charitable tenet of giving.” Through the establishment of their endowment, SCI has ensured this type of support for the Mt. Pleasant Community.