Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Theunissen Family Fund

The Theunissen Family Fund was created in 2006 by William and Dorothy Theunissen to help meet the needs of the local community. With the ever changing needs in the local area, the Theunissens’ created a community impact fund, so they are able to help wherever help is needed.

Dr. Theunissen was involved as a student and later as an administrator at Central Michigan University for 38 years. As a Chippewa athlete, Dr. Theunissen played baseball, golf and basketball before graduating in 1947. He taught health and physical education at CMU in 1948, and later became Dean of the School of Education, Health and Human services in 1962, and served in that position for 20 years.

Dr. Theunissen continued his reign in the Chippewa athletic community as the CMU freshman coach of football, basketball and baseball. In 1953 he was named head baseball coach. Both the old and new CMU baseball stadiums were named in his honor.

William and Dorothy Theunissen

Through his volunteer work, Dr. Theunissen headed up the Audubon Club and was also a volunteer with the Rotary Club, Child Development Center and the Mt. Pleasant Country Club. Both Dorothy and Bill are involved with the First United Presbyterian Church. 

The Theunissens have been part of the Mt. Pleasant community for 65 years and it is their hope the fund inspires others to give back to the local community on a continuing basis.