Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

New Globes Spark Curiosity and Learning at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum

Pink and white plasma globes at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum

Pink and white plasma globes at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum

The Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum is dedicated to sparking creativity, nourishing learning and inspiring curiosity through self-directed discovery in an engaging hands-on environment. Annually, the museum provides their 50,000 visitors the opportunity to explore and learn about fun and exciting topics. One standout exhibit is their Luminary Lab. The Luminary Lab features a variety of displays that allow children and adults to learn about light, but there was a need for a more interactive display.

Thanks to the Kellogg Youth Fund, the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum was able to fill this need with the installation of two plasma globes. Visitors are able to have a truly hands-on learning experience with this new display. Plasma globes are glass spheres filled with gasses and electrodes. These electrodes extend from the center to create a beam of light. Children and adults can control how the light and electricity in the globes move with their hands. The blue, green, coral, and aqua colors in the globes brilliantly light up the dark room at the touch of a hand.

Since installation, children have been amazed by the new globes. Both children and adults have been impressed with how interesting this new display is. The Discovery Museum is looking forward to introducing more children in our community to the properties of light during upcoming field trips scheduled to the museum. This display has been on the museum’s wish list for quite some time, so they are thankful that this project has finally come to fruition.