Competitive Grant FAQs — Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Frequently Asked Grant Questions

What is MPACF most interested in supporting?

  • The start-up of programs that solve critical local problems or address critical local needs.

  • Important projects or programs not adequately being served by existing community resources.

  • Projects which provide leverage for generating other funds and community resources.

  • Projects which facilitate cooperation and collaboration between organizations.

  • Projects not requiring continuous funding from MPACF.

  • Capital improvements.

What doesn’t MPACF typically support?

  • The annual operating expenses of organizations including salaries, ongoing program support and debt reduction.

  • Programs or services, or that portion of programs or services, which benefit those outside of Isabella County.

  • Services which are considered general government or school obligations.

  • Annual fundraising.

  • Normal office equipment.

  • Previously incurred debt or contracted commitments.

  • Travel for groups such as school classes, clubs or sports teams.

Who may apply?

MPACF provides grants:

  • to nonprofit organizations as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

  • to schools

  • to units of government

Learn more by reviewing the MPACF Grant Guidelines

MPACF does not provide grants:

  • to individuals, except in the form of scholarships

  • for the use of a political campaign, or to support attempts to influence legislature of any governmental body other than through making available the results of nonpartisan analysis, study, and research

  • to religious organizations attempting to promote the teachings of a particular church or denomination (Those addressing general community needs will be considered.)

  • to fraternal orders, organizations whose primary purpose is lobbying, cemetery associations, and funds set up to provide emergency relief to specific individuals or families

How many proposals can our organization submit?

All eligible organizations are able to submit only two proposals during a competitive cycle. For questions or concerns, please contact Program Officer, Jaimie Capen-Cascaddan.

what are the 2025 grantmaking priorities?

Though all proposal types are encouraged, the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees will currently give priority to:

  1. Mental Health; and

  2. Innovative Opportunities for Community Growth.

What about a mini-grant?

Mini‐grant applications may be submitted for sums of $300 or less.  Applications may come from charities, schools, or units of government for programs addressing the needs of youth in Isabella County. Only youth-focused mini-grant applications will be accepted.

How can I prepare the best grant proposal possible?

In addition to reviewing your proposal idea with Jaimie Capen-Cascaddan, there are a variety of free resources available online that may assist you in preparing a well-written proposal. Here are just a few:

What happens to a grant proposal after it is submitted?

Foundation staff reviews the application and forwards it to representatives of the appropriate endowed funds. The application and recommendations of fund representatives are then forwarded to the Foundation’s Grant Review Committee for a final review. The Grant Review Committee makes a recommendation to the Foundation's Board of Trustees to do one of three things:

  • Decline the request.

  • Table the request.

  • Approve the request as it stands, or with possible alterations or contingencies.

Then what?

If a grant is declined or tabled, applicants are notified by mail or phone. If a grant is approved, a grant agreement will be issued. Grant agreements should be read thoroughly and followed accordingly. They include special instructions and conditions of the grant, including use of funds, accounting expectations, acknowledgement of MPACF as the funding source, and reporting requirements. Grant agreements may only be signed by someone authorized to accept money on behalf of the organization that submitted the grant request. Once the agreement is returned, a check will be mailed to the organization.

Grant Reporting

In general, grant reports are due within 30 days of program/project completion. Organizations with overdue grant reports, or who fail to meet the conditions contained within a grant agreement, may not be considered for future funding.