Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Kaufmann/Sauter Family Fund


 Al and Linda Kaufmann have been fixtures in our community for decades, always ready to step in and lend a helping hand. They are establishing the Kaufmann/Sauter Family Fund to better access mental health for children, where currently there may be programmatic or financial barriers. As both Al and Linda shared, “It’s an investment in the future of the community and the future is our kids.”

The Kaufmann’s fund will help to assure available funding for mental health programs as well as assist in the destigmatization of an often overlooked area of healthcare. Al said, “Across the nation, Community Foundations are rushing in to fill the gaps in all sorts of places. We have chosen the Mt Pleasant Area Community Foundation to establish this fund.”