Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Erin Smith-Gaken joins MPACF Board of Trustees

Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation (MPACF) welcomes Erin Smith-Gaken, 31, as one of the youngest directors to join the MPACF Board of Trustees.

The newly-appointed Smith-Gaken, who has served as an adult member of MPACF’s Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) since 2012, began her tenure Jan. 1 of this year. Smith-Gaken brings professional experience to her new role, as she is the assistant director of Recruitment and Enrollment at Central Michigan University’s College of Education and Human Services.

Erin Smith-Gaken headshot

Smith-Gaken attended Central Michigan University and received undergraduate and master’s degrees, the latter in 2009. A St. Charles native, Smith-Gaken spent a year working in Saginaw, but since returning to Mt. Pleasant for her master’s degree, she has become an active member in the Mt. Pleasant community. Knowing the reach of the MPACF, Smith-Gaken is excited to make her own impact as a board member. “I am looking forward to this opportunity in order to increase my involvement within the community and impacting individuals within Isabella County. Many current and past board members have already made a significant impact and I look forward to working alongside them,” Smith-Gaken said.

While taking on more responsibility as a MPACF board member, Smith-Gaken will continue to serve as an adult member of the Youth Advisory Committee. “I view my new board position as an opportunity to expand my knowledge and understanding of the MPACF and its operations. What I learn will only benefit me as I continue my role within the YAC. I also see my role within the YAC benefiting my role on the board, as it will allow me to advocate for what the youth within the YAC believe to be of top priority within the community,” Smith-Gaken said.

In addition to Smith-Gaken, Lon Morey and Janet Maar Strickler return to the MPACF board after a one-year hiatus. Board members may serve up to three terms of three years each. The twenty-four member Board of Trustees meets bi-monthly.