Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Feight Family Endows Community Improvement Fund

The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the establishment of the Feight Family Community Improvement Fund, a permanent endowment that will prioritize grantmaking for community beautification projects.

In 2011, a small committee of community members led by Keith and Kurt Feight sought the assistance of the Community Foundation to raise funds to paint the High Street Bridge - a gateway into the Mt. Pleasant community. The charitable purpose of this effort was to make more visually appealing an arrival and departure point to create a greater sense of community and a welcoming environment for those visiting. From 2012-2014, more than $60,000 was contributed to this special project fund at the Community Foundation. In total, 153 gifts of various sizes were made.

Only a few companies in the state of Michigan are qualified and licensed to perform this type of work, and the Bridge Committee was able to coordinate with MDOT and the Great Lakes Central Railroad Company to get the project done on time and under budget. A partnership with the City of Mt. Pleasant was established to contract for the removal and environmental containment of the old lead-based paint covering the bridge, and the project was completed in August, 2013 with graffiti-resistant paint and high-quality vinyl lettering.

 “The difference is remarkable,” said Kurt Feight. “The bridge has become a point of pride for our community.” The City, the Chamber of Commerce, and multiple local businesses have used images of the bridge to promote Mt. Pleasant.

After paying the expenses associated with the High Street Bridge, there remained a small balance. Inspired by the success of the project, the Feight Family decided they wanted a way to continue their involvement with projects like this one. The Feight Community Improvement Fund will prioritize grantmaking to maintain the High Street Bridge and support similar community beautification projects in the future. Gifts to the newly established endowment fund can be made at