Kay’s Way supply drive focuses on 3 vital organizations - Donations will assist foster children, survivors of abuse, assault, domestic violence — Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Kay’s Way supply drive focuses on 3 vital organizations - Donations will assist foster children, survivors of abuse, assault, domestic violence

The annual Kay’s Way supply drive organized by the Mt. Pleasant Women’s Initiative will support survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. Donations also will support children placed into foster care programs in the county.

Donations of most-needed items, which are listed below, can be dropped off May 13-24 at Krapohl Ford & Lincoln and Weichert Realtors-Broadway Realty. The collected supplies will be divided among three vital non-profit organizations:

  • The Isabella County Child Advocacy Center: The organization serves children who are alleged victims of sexual or severe physical abuse or who have witnessed violence. It also provides prevention education for adults and children. The center conducts more than 200 forensic interviews with children and reaches 8,000 people a year with its informational programs in schools and other outlets.

  • Foster Closet of Isabella County: A volunteer-driven, non-profit organization, the Foster Closet provides clothing, shoes, baby gear, furniture, toys and other supplies for children in the foster care system. These items go into welcome packages for children and teens entering the program.

  • R.I.S.E. Advocacy: This group offers services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, including emergency shelter, advocacy, individual and group therapy, children’s therapy and outreach services. Donated supplies assist families at the emergency shelter.

“We have a cart in the lobby with personal hygiene items,” said Britnee Neitke, President and CEO of the Isabella County Child Advocacy Center. “Children get water and a snack after a forensic interview. So do law enforcement officials, who often are here for hours. We’re grateful to be part of this supply drive.”

The Mt. Pleasant Women’s Initiative manages the Women’s Initiative Fund at the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation. The endowed fund has awarded more than $150,000 in grants since giving out its first $500 in 2005, two years after the fund was created. Along with supplies for this year’s organizations, monetary gifts to the fund are welcome and can be dropped off at the Foundation or sent via its online donation form.

To kick off Kay’s Way, the Women’s Initiative has awarded $2,500 grants to each organization.

“Our goals always center on helping women and girls in the community,” said Shannon Vautrin Browne, who co-chairs the Women’s Initiative with Leah Rau. “We’ve used Kay’s Way to support deserving groups. We’re working this year to expand awareness of additional organizations that rely on donations.”

Kay’s Way — named after Kay Krapohl Smith, a longtime community champion — is sponsored by Krapohl Ford & Lincoln and Weichert Realtors-Broadway Realty.

On May 22, every dollar spent by customers on oil changes at the Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center at Krapohl will go to the Women’s Initiative for the Kay’s Way drive.

The wish lists for each organization:

  • The Isabella County Child Advocacy Center: Feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner, styling products, hair accessories, shaving cream, deodorant, snacks, water, gas cards.

  • Foster Closet of Isabella County: Underwear, socks, hairbrushes and accessories, feminine hygiene products, duffle bags, backpacks, makeup, nail polish, twin sheet sets.

  • R.I.S.E. Advocacy: Twin sheets and comforters, pillows, bath towels, underwear, deodorant, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies.