Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Area students may apply for $202,000 in local scholarships

Area students are vying for more than $202,000 in scholarships to be awarded this May by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation.

Nearly 125 scholarships — the most in Foundation history — are available. The majority go to high school students planning to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school, although some are available to current college students.

Each scholarship reflects the values and interests of those who created it. Scholarships exist for students from specific schools and communities or those going to certain universities. They exist for students pursuing designated degrees, such as accounting, agriculture, art, and aviation. Students also will find scholarships for business, finance, health care, hospitality, law, nursing, teaching and technology degrees, for example.

“It’s absolutely worth a student and family’s time to explore the opportunities and submit a few applications,” Foundation CEO/COO Liz Conway said. “Our community is serious about helping students continue their educations.”

Students and families may review a list of scholarships sorted by school, check out the most frequently asked questions, and log in to the scholarship portal to apply. Applications are due no later than March 5, 2025.

Permanent endowments that fund the scholarships have been established through the Community Foundation by individuals, businesses and organizations.

“More than 100 students will continue their educations feeling financial relief and knowing their community cares about them,” Conway said. “Thanks to generous donors over the past 35 years, we’re awarding more scholarships than ever and helping students pursue their futures.”

To contribute to any of the Foundation’s 300-plus endowed funds, including for scholarships, visit our existing funds page and click on any fund to make a donation.

The funds are listed in the following categories:

  • Community Impact Funds — responding to evolving community needs

  • Field of Interest Funds — supporting specific areas of community life such as youth, recreation, and literacy

  • Donor Advised Funds — making grants aligned with the charitable interests of their founders

  • Organization Funds — supporting operational, administrative, and programming costs of designated organizations

  • Scholarship Funds —awarding funds that help students pursue their futures

For information, contact Jaimie Capen-Cascaddan, Program Officer, at (989) 773-7322 or visit

Community Foundation awards nearly $145,000 in grants

Nearly two dozen grants of up to $18,000 each were awarded in late October by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation Board of Trustees. The grants distribute nearly $145,000 to local nonprofits and governmental units.

The grants will support the provision of childcare, food, shelter, mental health services, clothing and books across Isabella County. They also will provide services, for example, to families whose children are receiving medical treatment or have been diagnosed with autism. 

“Through its grants, the Community Foundation works to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come,” CEO and Chief Operating Officer Liz Conway said. 

Twice a year, the Foundation accepts applications for grants that are funded by the investment earnings on more than 330 endowments created by generous local donors, their friends and families. Applications are assessed by the Community Foundation’s Grants Review Committee and then voted on by the trustees.

“These grants point to the tremendous impact created by about 2,000 donors each year who make contributions to support residents and advance communities across the county,” Conway said. “Our donors have incredible compassion for others and vision for what’s possible.”

This fall’s grants are:

Hope Childcare Center has received two grants totaling $20,200 from the Community Impact Fund, Dr. Leonard E. and Louise A. Plachta Unrestricted Fund, Fabiano Family Fund, Hersee Family Fund and Kay Smith Family Fund. Hope Childcare Center will be housed in the First United Methodist Church in Mt. Pleasant and seeks to address unmet need for childcare in Isabella County, which is classified as a childcare desert. The grants will support construction costs for bringing the south entrance into compliance with fire safety regulations and help cover start-up costs, such as staff CPR training, state-mandated background checks, craft supplies and cleaning and disinfection supplies. 

Friends of the Broadway has been awarded $18,000 from the W.E. Martin Fund and Community Impact Fund to provide air conditioning and house lights upgrades. These upgrades will enhance energy efficiency and audience and performer experience.

Christian Counseling of Mid Michigan has received $13,500 from the Women’s Initiative Fund, Isabella County Health Improvement Fund, Healthy Youth Healthy Seniors Fund and Community Impact Fund to cover the costs of mental health parent/guardian consultations while a child receives services. This includes therapy supplies, administrative costs for support services and counselor salaries. 

St. John’s Episcopal Church has been granted $12,000 from the Community Impact Fund, Weisenburger Family Fund and William and Janet Maar Strickler Community Impact Fund. The grant will cover costs associated with short-term emergency housing for Isabella County residents who are ineligible for local group shelters because of mental health, physical needs, "red tape" restrictions and/or minor legal infractions. 

Isabella Community Soup Kitchen has been granted $10,000 from the John and Sue Bradac Family Emergency Fund, Jane McNamara and Louise Williams Fund, Jerry M. and Marilyn A. Morey Community Fund and Community Impact Fund. These funds will support the purchase of a new delivery vehicle.

Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan has been awarded $10,000 from the Community Impact Fund for its Family Support Program. The money will cover guest expenses for Isabella County families, including food, shuttle services, cleaning supplies and security. Additionally, funds will be used toward the staffing required to run the program. 

Community Mental Health for Central Michigan has been granted $8,627 from the Kaufmann/Sauter Family Fund and Kellogg Youth Fund to support Isabella County suicide prevention training for students and staff.  Question, Persuade and Refer training is an industry-leading approach to suicide prevention. Once youth intervention specialists become certified QPR instructors, they are able to train students ages 14 and older, school staff, mentors, coaches, parents and others who support youth. 

Sleepy Dog Books Foundation has received $8,000 from the Robert and Geraldine Krapohl Literacy Fund and Connor J. Puhlman Memorial Fund for Youth to install book vending machines in two Mt. Pleasant schools. The Book Vending Machine Program puts books in the homes of young learners across our community. The program ensures young readers develop a passion for reading, gain foundational skills for learning and find success across developmental needs, regardless of age, gender or socio-economic status.

Isabella County Restoration House has received two grants totaling $6,600 from the Community Impact Fund and Isabella Bank Director Memorial Fund to support building functionality and homeless outreach services. This includes installation of fiber optics for internet services, a new phone system, treatment for bed bugs, and supplies for the Street Outreach Program. 

West Midland Family Center has been granted $6,000 from the Mt. Pleasant Oil Industry Food Pantry Fund to support its Food and Clothing Depot. The Depot sits on M-20, two miles east of the county line, and is an asset to many Isabella County residents. The Depot provides free services to those in need, and this grant will help cover the operational costs of providing healthy food for Isabella County residents who seek assistance. 

Clothing INC has been awarded $5,000 from the Summit Petroleum Fund, Community Impact Fund, Fisher Companies Community Impact Fund, G. Charles and Janice L. Hubscher Fund, Joanne Golden Family Community Impact Fund, John Neyer Family Fund, Ranck Family Fund, Rapaport Family Fund and Ruth S. and Gerard R. Felter and Florence F. Battenfeld Family Fund. These funds will provide towels and washcloths to community members in need. 

Mid-Michigan Industries has received $4,946 from the Kellogg Youth Fund to provide supplies and equipment that will enhance the Connections Autism Services previously provided by Community Mental Health of Central Michigan. 

Isabella County Commission on Aging has received $4,000 from the Isabella County Health Improvement Fund to provide personal emergency response systems for county seniors. The portable electronic devices have a button seniors can use to call for help in emergencies. Many seniors living on a fixed budget are unable to afford these safety devices.

Christmas Outreach of Isabella County has been granted $3,500 from the Mt. Pleasant Oil Industry Food Pantry Fund to support its Christmas breakfast baskets. The baskets will be available to each family that registers, with each receiving a canned ham, muffin mix, pancake mix and syrup to enjoy on Christmas morning.

The Care Store has been awarded $2,500 from the David B. and Susan K. Keilitz Family Fund, Barbara L. and George W. Dunn Family Fund, Tim and Mary Ann O'Neil Community Impact Fund and W. Sidney Smith and Judith French Smith Family Fund to provide kitchen items, including toasters, coffee pots, blenders, mixers, pots and pans, to individuals and families in need.

Isabella County Child Advocacy Center has been awarded $2,500 from the Jerry M. and Marilyn A. Morey Community Fund, Kimber and Judy DeWitt Family Fund, Myler Family Community Impact Fund and Steve and Sue Pung Family Fund for an Infant Health Trio Simulator for its child abuse and neglect programs. The simulator will help educate the community about the severe risks associated with drug and alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

Mt. Pleasant Pride Center has been awarded $2,400 from the Community Impact Fund to support the creation of safe spaces in Isabella County. The grant will cover operational costs, a desktop computer for volunteers, creation of educational pamphlets and development of a hygiene program. 

Art Reach of Mid Michigan has been awarded $2,000 from the Rise Family Fund to support the Wellspring Literary Series, bringing the Mt. Pleasant community together for free poetry readings and musical performances. 

Village of Shepherd has received $1,859 from the Rise Family Fund to complete the merry-go-round project at Shepherd Park.

Community Compassion Network has received $1,500 from the Women’s Initiative Fund to support the Infant Pantry Stock the Shelves Program by providing specialty baby formula, diapers, baby wipes, food and other care products.

Life Choices of Central Michigan has been awarded $850 from the Rollie Denison Leadership Institute Leadership Enhancement Fund to support President and CEO Kate Connors in participating in the Rollie Denison Leadership Institute capstone course through the Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce. 

Look Who’s Talking speaker tackles effects of pervasive diet culture

Disordered eating habits were reported by 78% of Mt. Pleasant-area high school students involved in a recent American Heart Association study conducted by Samantha Hahn, a Central Michigan University College of Medicine faculty member.

Hahn, Ph.D., MPH, RD, was the keynote speaker of the annual Look Who’s Talking luncheon on Oct. 30 in Mt. Pleasant. She tailored her remarks to help the 350 attendees understand how pervasive the diet culture is, how we all fall prey to it, and other ways to view weight. Consider:

  • Girls as young as 3 — toddlers — already show a preference for thin bodies.

  • Movies and advertising regularly convey “even if you’re thin, you’re not thin enough.”

  • Disordered eating — habits such as skipping meals, abusing laxatives, binge eating and self-induced vomiting — peaks during adolescence/young adulthood and again during perimenopause.

  • Science shows diets don’t work. In fact, diets slow our metabolism for the long term.

  • Eating disorders cause a high morbidity and mortality rate, second only to opioid addiction.

  • Our diet culture tells us lean, muscular bodies are possible if we work hard enough and buy the right products.

  • Our diet culture creates biases that those who are not thin are less valuable, not as smart, not as healthy, and their situation is their own fault.

“I’m here to tell you, who you are is NOT what you look like,” Hahn said.

Hahn advises us to turn our focus away from how we look to being thankful for all that our bodies do for us. She talks of intuitive eating, paying attention to what our bodies need and finding the right balance of food that works for each of us.

Hahn encouraged audience members to reflect on their own perceptions and actions that feed into the diet culture and the pervasive messages of and “health equals leanness, leanness and youth equal beauty, and beauty is the most important thing to strive for.”

The annual Look Who’s Talking Speaker Series is organized by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation's Women's Initiative Committee. Event proceeds go to the Women's Initiative Fund, which has awarded 81 grants worth nearly $170,000 for services and programs supporting Isabella County women and girls.

The fund endowment exceeds $700,000, with new donations added every year. Annual investment earnings — which grow as the endowment grows — fund the grants. 

Donations may be made online or by calling the Foundation at 989-773-7322.

Oct. 30 Look Who’s Talking speaker aims to change thinking on bodies, diets, eating

A conversation with disordered eating expert Samantha Hahn

Dr. Samantha Hahn

Sam Hahn describes herself as a fiery redhead who grew up in a rural town near Lansing. Her intensity is focused on disordered eating, the largely unaddressed issue of habits such as skipping meals, abusing laxatives, binge eating and self-induced vomiting. 

“Disordered eating is so normalized in our culture that few realize it’s a problem. And in rural communities, it exists at double the rate,” Hahn said. “The question is how we dismantle it.”

Hahn, Ph.D., MPH, RD, will be the keynote speaker during the Oct. 30 Look Who’s Talking Luncheon organized by the Women’s Initiative Committee of the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation.

A faculty member in Central Michigan University’s College of Medicine and lecturer in the CMU Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Hahn has received multiple research grants and is a leader in international eating disorder organizations. Here’s at look her passion for addressing disordered eating and what to expect from her speech:

Hahn’s career goal

“Prevention is what makes me tick, rather than treatment. Let’s not get to the point of needing treatment,” said Hahn, who lost an aunt to complications of a lifelong eating disorder.

What she’ll discuss in her keynote address

“I’ll hate on diet culture the entire time — all the issues and assumptions about body, weight and eating,” she said. “Our diet culture touches on every aspect of life. I’ll challenge world views, then help the audience see a new paradigm and consider what’s more effective.”

Hands-on work in our community

“I’m invested in this community. I see the need,” said Hahn, who has studies underway in Isabella, Mecosta and Clare County high schools. She also partners with Mt. Pleasant’s Center of Hope Counseling, which serves individuals struggling with eating disorders and body image issues.

Does the diet culture affect only youth?

The impact of diet culture can follow individuals throughout their lives, Hahn said, with disordered eating spiking during the teen years and again during menopause.

“I talk about intuitive eating, which is complex, but involves rejecting a diet mentality and coming to peace with food, with your body and with movement that’s enjoyable,” she said.

Look Who’s Talking is from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, at the Soaring Eagle Conference Center. Tickets are $50. Visit or contact the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation at 989-773-7322 or

Conway named CEO/COO of Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

Liz Conway. Photo Courtesy of Courtney Jerome Media

The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation Board of Trustees, in collaboration with the Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce, announces the appointment of Liz Conway as the Foundation’s new chief executive officer and chief operating officer.

Currently president and CEO of the Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce, Conway will assume her new role at the Community Foundation in late September.  The move follows the departure of former Foundation CEO Alysha Pasquali, who stepped down in June to dedicate more time to her family.

As CEO, Conway will spearhead the Foundation’s mission to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County through local philanthropy and community leadership.

“Liz delivers vision and energy, a vast and growing community network, and a creative ability to engage local leaders and citizens in philanthropy,” said Foundation Board President Matthew Showalter. “Get Liz talking about the community and its opportunities, and her passion is absolutely infectious.”

Conway has generated significant positive impact as Chamber president and CEO during the past two and a half years. Along with an increased focus on membership, she has been instrumental in developing a strategic plan and vision statement that provide clear direction for the Chamber's endeavors, said Jennifer Marar, chair of the Chamber Board of Directors.

Conway’s achievements include establishment of the Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to economic growth, community development and educational advancement within the region.

“Liz makes progress happen,” Marar said. “We are sad to see her go, yet we also are proud to see Liz expand her impact through the Foundation. It’s exciting to envision how our two organizations will work together for the greater good of the area.”

Marar said the Chamber will launch a search this fall for its next executive.

Conway’s career in nonprofit leadership spans nearly two decades, with significant experience in fundraising, donor engagement, strategic planning and community impact. She began her career in 2003 with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Marquette and Alger Counties. Then she worked with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lancaster County in Pennsylvania and the Boys & Girls Club of New Haven in Connecticut.

In Michigan, Conway made significant contributions as executive director of the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum and of the Greater Midland Coleman and North Midland Family Centers. She also served as director of membership and underwriting for WCMU Public Media before assuming her role with the Chamber in 2022.

“I’m thrilled to be selected to lead the Foundation and work with its generous donors to create  holistic, long-lasting impact across Isabella County,” Conway said. “I look forward to working with community champions and leaders to address collectively some of the greatest needs in our community.”

Conway has completed several leadership programs, including the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance Institute for Leaders and the Rollie Denison Leadership Institute. She has had numerous board positions, currently serving on the board of the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy and as a trustee with Art Reach of Mid Michigan.

Conway is an alumna of Northern Michigan University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree and a Master of Public Administration. She resides in Mt. Pleasant with her husband, Michael, a professor at the Central Michigan University College of Medicine, and their two sons.

“I love Mt. Pleasant for so many reasons — the nature, how family-friendly it is and of course, the amazing people,” Conway said. “This is our home and I’m excited to help it continue to thrive.”

2024 Look Who’s Talking Speaker Series Luncheon set for Oct. 30

The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation’s Women's Initiative Committee has scheduled another exciting Look Who's Talking Speaker Series Luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at the Soaring Eagle Conference Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

This year, Samantha Hahn, a recognized expert in eating disorder risks and prevention, will share her insights on challenging diet culture, intuitive eating and body positivity.

An assistant professor and population health researcher at Central Michigan University, Hahn earned her Master’s in Public Health and Ph.D. in nutritional sciences from the University of Michigan. She also completed a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Minnesota.

Tickets for the event are $50 and can be purchased online at here or by scanning the QR code on the flyer. The deadline to purchase tickets is Oct. 23.

See you there!

Kay’s Way raises more than $18,000

Kay’s Way wrapped up in May, raising $18,700 in donations. This year’s contributions included a Ford Expedition filled with feminine hygiene products, bed sheets, towels and laundry detergent for the benefit of women and girls in Isabella County.

Donations include $4,000 worth of supplies and $3,500 in cash from area residents and businesses. Krapohl Ford & Lincoln contributed $3,700 from its one-day oil change event, and the Mount Pleasant Women's Initiative granted $2,500 to each of the three partner organizations.

The funds and supplies were disbursed to this year’s Kay’s Way partners, The Foster Closet of Isabella County, Isabella County Child Advocacy Center and RISE Advocacy. These organizations will use the donations to support survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault, and children in foster care.

Thank you to everyone who donated and to the Women’s Initiative Committee for organizing Kay's Way. Special appreciation goes to Krapohl Ford & Lincoln and Paula Arndt/Weichert Realtors Broadway Realty for their sponsorship.

Community Foundation Announces more than $118,000 in Grants

MT. PLEASANT, MI – The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation is proud to announce $118,859.58 in its most recent round of competitive grants to organizations dedicated to serving Isabella County.

The grants were announced during the Foundation’s June 27 annual Summer Celebration. The event recognized the grant recipients and the importance of local philanthropy, which makes such awards possible.

More than 150 individuals, business and nonprofit leaders attended the celebration at Hunter’s Ale House.

Art Reach of Mid Michigan received $1,500 from the Olson Family Fund for the Free Summer Arts Project to keep the arts alive and accessible for everyone in the community.

Christian Counseling of Mid Michigan received $5,500 from the Kellogg Youth Fund for the Creating Confident Character program pairing females ages 13-18 with mental health providers to build self-esteem.

Christmas Outreach of Isabella County received $1,000 from the Women’s Initiative Fund to purchase feminine hygiene products for teen girl stockings to be handed out during their Christmas event.

City of Mt. Pleasant received $10,240 from the Access to Recreation Fund, Community Impact Fund, Isabella Bank Director Memorial Fund, Mary Ellen Brandell Access to Recreation Fund, Mt. Pleasant Rotary Club Access to Recreation Fund and Weisenburger Family Fund to purchase three benches and four ADA accessible picnic tables for the Town Center Civic Space

Clothing INC received $6,000 from the Kellogg Youth Fund for the purchase of adult size clothing for Isabella County youth.

Clothing INC received $2,500 from the Barbara L. and George W. Dunn Family Fund, Ronald H. and Donna M. Cooper Family Fund, Staples Family Fund and Sullivan Family Fund for the purchase of size 2x-5x clothing for Isabella County residents.

Community Compassion Network received $1,000 from the Women’s Initiative Fund for the purchase of baby formula.

First United Methodist Church received $10,000 from the Hersee Family Fund, Jerry M. and Marilyn A. Morey Community Fund and Jane McNamara and Louise Williams Fund for the Hope Childcare Center which will provide quality childcare in a safe environment for infants and toddlers in Isabella County.

Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan received $2,000 from the Women’s Initiative Fund for the Girl Scouting in Isabella County initiative to serve girls (grades K-12) with financial assistance and programming expenses.

Habitat for Humanity of Isabella County received $8,000 from the Dr. Leonard E. and Louise A. Plachta Unrestricted Fund, John P. and Ann S. Jensen Community Impact Fund and William and Janet Maar Strickler Community Impact Fund for the Priority Home Repair program which will provide minor repairs to low-income homeowners in Isabella County.

Isabella County Child Advocacy Center received $6,000 from the Fabiano Family Fund, Kay Smith Family Fund, Kellogg Youth Fund and Sherwood Family Fund to update the forensic interview technology and install security equipment.

Isabella County Parks and Recreation received $6,350 from the Bandit Industries Community Fund, Brewster Family Access to Recreation Fund, Schafer Community Impact Fund, Summit Petroleum Fund and Theunissen Family Fund to replace existing trail bollards along the Pere Marquette Rail-Trail with new specialized gates.

Isabella County Restoration House received $8,000 from the Doug and Missy LaBelle Family Foundation Donor Advised Fund, Morning Sun Community Fund and Olson Family Fund to purchase necessary kitchen equipment for the permanent shelter.

Life Choices of Central Michigan received $1,000 from the Shepherd Community Fund in Honor of Robert H. Bates for the SHARE Program Support to provide sexual health and relationship education to students.

Maslow’s Tiny Village received $4,689.58 from the Bovee Family Fund, Community Impact Fund, Elizabeth Z. Miller & Bruce H. LaPointe Community Needs Fund and G. Charles and Janice L. Hubscher Fund for The Build project, which will assist in creating a mobile advertising campaign and cover costs associated with completing the first phase of an environmental property review.

Michigan Arts Access received $2,300 from the Connor J. Puhlman Memorial Fund for Youth, Darlene Bond Memorial Youth Fund and Kellogg Youth Fund for the Artist in Residence Program which will provide visual and music instruction for GIRESD special education students.

Mount Pleasant Discovery Museum received $1,000 from the Kellogg Youth Fund for to update toys, lighting and silk materials in the Sister City exhibit to promote cultural competence.

Mount Pleasant MI Chapter of SPEBSQSA, Inc. (Mountain Town Family Chorus) received $1,500 from the Healthy Youth Healthy Seniors Fund for the Singing Together program which will create a learning opportunity for teens and senior citizens focused on barbershop harmony.

People Helping People of Isabella County received $17,280 from the Andy Wheeler Community Needs Fund, Community Impact Fund, David B. and Susan K. Keilitz Family Fund, Sally and John Goodrow Fund, Sherman C. and Shirley J. Rowley Family Fund and W.E. Martin Fund to assist in providing Sunday lunch at Max & Emily's for Isabella Community Soup Kitchen guests.

The Care Store received $2,500 from the Women’s Initiative Fund for the Period Protection program, which will provide period protection products to Isabella County women and girls.

The Care Store received $2,500 from the Michael C. and Dianne C. Morey Community Needs Fund, Ralph and Sonja Baumgarth Family Fund and W. Sidney Smith and Judith French Smith Family Fund for the Top Ten Needs program, which will provide personal and home care products to Isabella County residents.

United Way of Gratiot and Isabella Counties received $5,000 from the Rise Family Fund to expand the ALICE Support Fund to include transportation assistance for those in need.

Village of Shepherd received $5,500 from the Access to Recreation Fund, Janet Maar Strickler Access to Recreation Fund and Shepherd Community Fund in Honor of Robert H. Bates for the Shepherd Park merry go round.

William and Janet Strickler Nonprofit Center received $7,500 from the Barbara A. Bissot Fund, Denison Unrestricted Fund, Howard P. Himes Fund and Missy and Doug LaBelle Family Foundation Community Impact Fund for HVAC rooftop unit replacements.

Applications for the next competitive grant cycle will open on August 1. For more information on grant eligibility, and ways to support the endowed funds that make these grants possible, please visit

Foundation launches CEO Search as Pasquali leaves to focus on family

The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation Board of Trustees is launching a search for a chief executive and chief operating officer, following CEO/COO Alysha Pasquali’s decision to dedicate her time and energy to her family.

She and her husband, attorney Mark Pasquali, welcomed their first child, Jude Raymond, in April. The decision to resign was spurred by being unsuccessful in securing daycare, even though they were on several waitlists.

Pasquali will continue to work on a contractual basis during the search and subsequent transition. Her priorities will include meeting with donors, planning the Foundation’s annual community breakfast, finalizing a CEO job manual and updating the organization’s planned giving materials.

Board President Matthew Showalter and Bob Wheeler, one of the Foundation’s co-founders, also will take on some of the leadership responsibilities.

“Alysha and Mark are great parents, and we respect their decision about what’s right for their family,” Showalter said. “Alysha has been a phenomenal CEO, deepening relationships with donors, board members, staff and volunteers. We will miss her and her leadership, though we appreciate her continued support during the next several months.”

Pasquali, a longtime Mt. Pleasant resident, was appointed CEO/COO in March 2023. She has an extensive background in fundraising and served in multiple such roles at Central Michigan University.

“I believe wholeheartedly in the Foundation, the work it does across the community and the positive impact its annual grants will have on citizens across Isabella County,” Pasquali said. “I’ve loved my time here and am committed to helping ensure a smooth, effective transition.”

The job posting will go up on the Foundation’s website soon and will remain there for at least three weeks. The Foundation’s Human Resources Committee will lead the search.

“The Foundation is strong,” Showalter said. “We will continue the momentum that Alysha started. We’re grateful for the trajectory she achieved and for her ongoing commitment to the Foundation and Isabella County.”

A message from Alysha Pasquali about her transition out of CEO/COO role

Dear Trustees, Volunteers, Donors and Community Partners,

It has been an honor to serve you and work with you the past 15 months. The care you show for others is inspiring, and your impact touches lives every day.

This April brought exciting news for my husband, Mark, and I when we welcomed Jude Raymond into our family. He is a wonderful, happy little baby, and we're all doing well.

We had to reassess our lives and priorities after being unsuccessful in securing daycare, even though we were on several waitlists. Our decision means I will stay home with our son, and we are grateful I am able to do so. Our hearts go out to other parents who have had issues with childcare availability, and we hope this problem for families, employers and communities across Michigan and the nation will be addressed soon.

Our decision was tough. I love working with each of you. And I believe wholeheartedly in the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation as the hub of local philanthropy, home to more than 330 permanent endowments that fund annual grants for local organizations and initiatives.

The Foundation has a phenomenal Board of Trustees and emeriti trustees, an excellent, dedicated staff and the best volunteers. Our growing, generous donor base is filled with businesses and people who care deeply about the community and its residents.

The Foundation is strong, and I am confident all of you will continue to uphold the mission of enhancing the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead the Foundation and work beside you.


Alysha Pasquali

Give Local Isabella sees fundraising success - More than $60,000 raised for local charitable organizations in 24 hours

The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce the success of Give Local Isabella, a 24-hour community-wide fundraising event held on May 7. This year, 241 donors joined forces and raised a combined total of $66,266 in support of 25 local charitable organizations.

Throughout the day, these organizations competed for prizes totaling $5,000. Additionally, $25,000 in matching funds were awarded, sponsored by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation and Mt. Pleasant Abstract & Title.

The three organizations that secured the highest amount of donations were: Renaissance Public School Academy, Christian Counseling of Mid Michigan and Chippewa Watershed Conservancy.

"The success of Give Local Isabella 2024 highlights the remarkable generosity and unity within our community in supporting local charitable organizations," said Matthew Showalter, President of the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation Board of Trustees. "The funds raised will leave a lasting impact on the missions and endowments of these organizations, empowering them to continue serving our community effectively. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who participated and contributed to this initiative."

Give Local Isabella will return next year, continuing its mission to support local charitable organizations and make a difference in the community.

For more information, please visit

Kay’s Way supply drive focuses on 3 vital organizations - Donations will assist foster children, survivors of abuse, assault, domestic violence

The annual Kay’s Way supply drive organized by the Mt. Pleasant Women’s Initiative will support survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. Donations also will support children placed into foster care programs in the county.

Donations of most-needed items, which are listed below, can be dropped off May 13-24 at Krapohl Ford & Lincoln and Weichert Realtors-Broadway Realty. The collected supplies will be divided among three vital non-profit organizations:

  • The Isabella County Child Advocacy Center: The organization serves children who are alleged victims of sexual or severe physical abuse or who have witnessed violence. It also provides prevention education for adults and children. The center conducts more than 200 forensic interviews with children and reaches 8,000 people a year with its informational programs in schools and other outlets.

  • Foster Closet of Isabella County: A volunteer-driven, non-profit organization, the Foster Closet provides clothing, shoes, baby gear, furniture, toys and other supplies for children in the foster care system. These items go into welcome packages for children and teens entering the program.

  • R.I.S.E. Advocacy: This group offers services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, including emergency shelter, advocacy, individual and group therapy, children’s therapy and outreach services. Donated supplies assist families at the emergency shelter.

“We have a cart in the lobby with personal hygiene items,” said Britnee Neitke, President and CEO of the Isabella County Child Advocacy Center. “Children get water and a snack after a forensic interview. So do law enforcement officials, who often are here for hours. We’re grateful to be part of this supply drive.”

The Mt. Pleasant Women’s Initiative manages the Women’s Initiative Fund at the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation. The endowed fund has awarded more than $150,000 in grants since giving out its first $500 in 2005, two years after the fund was created. Along with supplies for this year’s organizations, monetary gifts to the fund are welcome and can be dropped off at the Foundation or sent via its online donation form.

To kick off Kay’s Way, the Women’s Initiative has awarded $2,500 grants to each organization.

“Our goals always center on helping women and girls in the community,” said Shannon Vautrin Browne, who co-chairs the Women’s Initiative with Leah Rau. “We’ve used Kay’s Way to support deserving groups. We’re working this year to expand awareness of additional organizations that rely on donations.”

Kay’s Way — named after Kay Krapohl Smith, a longtime community champion — is sponsored by Krapohl Ford & Lincoln and Weichert Realtors-Broadway Realty.

On May 22, every dollar spent by customers on oil changes at the Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center at Krapohl will go to the Women’s Initiative for the Kay’s Way drive.

The wish lists for each organization:

  • The Isabella County Child Advocacy Center: Feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner, styling products, hair accessories, shaving cream, deodorant, snacks, water, gas cards.

  • Foster Closet of Isabella County: Underwear, socks, hairbrushes and accessories, feminine hygiene products, duffle bags, backpacks, makeup, nail polish, twin sheet sets.

  • R.I.S.E. Advocacy: Twin sheets and comforters, pillows, bath towels, underwear, deodorant, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies.

Community Foundation Awards $182,100 in Scholarships to Local Students

The Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation (MPACF) will award 114 scholarships totaling more than $182,000 to local students during a Scholarship Celebration on May 30, 2024. The endowment funds generating these scholarships were established by individuals, businesses, and organizations that want to help local students pursue their educational goals. Each scholarship is unique and reflects the values and interests of those who established it. Most of the scholarships support high school students planning to attend an accredited college, university or trade school in the fall.

During the last decade, over one million dollars have been awarded in scholarships. The Foundation would like to thank the individuals, businesses and organizations who make these opportunities available. Without their support it wouldn’t be possible to impact more than 100 students each year. The Foundation would also like to thank each and every student for applying and a special thank you to the 128 dedicated volunteers who helped review over 1,400 scholarship applications.

For more information, or to support any of the endowment funds producing these scholarships, contact Jaimie Capen-Cascaddan, Program Officer, at (989) 773-7322 or visit

The 2024 Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation Scholarship Recipients are:

John-Charles Agoff Maness Family Scholarship

Madison Arens Herbert H. Lueth Scholarship

Abiona Bailey Ganiard History Project Scholarship

Elizabeth Bailey Shirley Lemorie Memorial Scholarship

Olivia Bass Isabella Bank Scholarship

Connor Bendele Jason Parrott Scholarship

Spencer Bendele Jim Hartman Study Abroad Scholarship

Avery Benjamin Robert F. Murray & Co. CPA's Scholarship

Brielle Bloom McGuirk Ganiard West Side School Scholarship

Clara Bonnell Matthew J. Boles Memorial Arts Scholarship

Xavier Booker Nancy Carey Memorial Scholarship

Alison Born Laura Clemons Salisbury Scholarship

Hannah Borsenik Isabella Bank Scholarship

Grace Boulis Dr. Thomas M. & Jayne Keating Scholarship

Sydney Boyer Gene A. Kunst Gold Star Family Scholarship

Jerzie Brakenberry Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Scholarship

Laura Brown Isabella Community Credit Union Members' Scholarship

Laura Brown J. Gavin Bradley Culinary/Hospitality Scholarship

Hailey Burrows Class of 1965 Mt. Pleasant High School Scholarship

Jacques Chercover Christopher John Andera Memorial Scholarship

Liam Cox Heydenburg Family Scholarship

Maeve Curry Matthew J. Boles Memorial Arts Scholarship

Lucas Davis Konwinski Construction Scholarship

Zackary DeLong John P. & Ann S. Jensen Scholarship

Zackary DeLong Kristopher Walden "Waldo" Arts Scholarship

Carter Dole Mercantile Bank of Michigan Scholarship

Ezekiel Dykstra Harry E. Tope Memorial Aviation Scholarship

Abbie Dziuk Gary Moe Memorial Scholarship

Natalie Eagen Herbert H. Lueth Scholarship

Dylan Elias Herbert H. Lueth Scholarship

Macy Ervin Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Scholarship

Elizabeth Fancon Brenda Echelbarger Memorial Scholarship

Zachary Feger Jeffrey Vernon Memorial Scholarship

Ava Ferrenburg Feight Family Business Scholarship

Isaac Finch Isabella Bank Scholarship

Kylis Fletcher Watson Family Scholarship

Carter Follett C. Jane (Dubay) and Dwight D. Dodge Memorial Scholarship

Kara Forsberg Mercantile Bank of Michigan Scholarship

Hannah Forsythe Paul Moeggenberg Family Youth Agricultural Scholarship

Katelynn Foster George and Frances P. Rouman Mental Health Education Scholarship

Maggie Galan Shepherd Public School Scholarship

Sophia Gardner Isabella Bank Scholarship

Abigail Gates Jeff and Roy Spencer Scholarship

Madison Gimmey Martin Family Scholarship

Maya Gonzalez Michael And Dianne Morey Manufacturing Skilled Trades Scholarship

Isabel Goodrich Ganiard History Project Scholarship

Megan Goward Isabella Bank Scholarship

Daisy Graham Art Scholarship

Matilda Graham James D. and Karen A. McConnell Family Scholarship

Libby Grakauskas Ganiard History Project Scholarship

Josiah Green Arnold and Margaret Sowmick Memorial Scholarship

Lane Gross Rotary Scholarship

Aidan Halliday Carol Huber Konwinski and Jerel Konwinski Scholarship

Jacob Hamlin Herbert H. Lueth Scholarship

Lauren Hartman Phyllis A. Heinze Mathematics Education Scholarship

Emily Hartman Stokes Elementary Education Scholarship

Lance Helfer Shepherd Public School Scholarship

Jordan Hosking Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Scholarship

Juliana Hunter Robert A. & Catherine A. Janson Scholarship

Tyler Hutchins Mt. Pleasant High School Class of 1959 Scholarship

Taylor Idema Donna J. and W. Larry Collins/GFWC Scholarship Fund

Allison Idema Eckersley Scholarship

Anastasia Ivanitskaya Bruce William Wood Memorial Scholarship

Greenlee Jones Garland-Schilling Scholarship

Chelsea Kelly Alan and Kathy Johns Scholarship

Kaylyn King James R. Hodgins Memorial English Scholarship

Kaitlyn Klumpp Mercantile Bank of Michigan Scholarship

Jacqueline Ko Isabella Community Credit Union Members' Scholarship

Rose Kothra Blystone & Bailey CPAs Scholarship

Olivia Kunik Matthew S. Sharrar Memorial Scholarship

Alex Latham Myler Family Scholarship

Allison Lindstrom McGuirk Ganiard West Side School Scholarship

Katherine Liscomb Goenner Family Scholarship

Haylee Livermore Isabella Bank Scholarship

Ella Lovasco Isabella Bank Scholarship

Cameron Lynch Aaron Jacob Latham Memorial Scholarship

Eva Lynch Carolynn Cosan Memorial Scholarship

Jillian Matyorauta Midland (MI) Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship

Ella McDonnell Earl G. Hartman, Sr. & Caroline Millar Hartman Scholarship

Francesca Mezei Norval Morey Leadership Scholarship

Yuna Miyoshi Mercantile Bank of Michigan Scholarship

Macey Novak Kenneth & Hilda Schmeck Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Haiden Onstott Harold & Marie Krapohl Scholarship

Tailor Onstott Scottie Miller Memorial Special Education Scholarship

Jessica Pardee Herbert H. Lueth Scholarship

Danele Pasch Zonta Club of Mt. Pleasant Scholarship

Claire Peak Jeff Reedy Memorial Scholarship

Samuel Powell Charlie and Jane Kiel Scholarship

Abbigail Powell Martin Family Scholarship

Joy Pryor Rotary Scholarship

May Rankin Maness Family Scholarship

Mylie Redes Susan K. and Douglas E. Dodge Scholarship

Jacob Reid Sue Ann Watters Music Scholarship

Raegan Riggie Isabella Bank Scholarship

Tate Ross Shepherd Football Scholarship

Cooper Sawyer Isabella Community Credit Union Members' Scholarship

Katelyn Schell Isabella County Retired School Personnel Scholarship

Derek Schoch Richard C. Dubay Memorial Scholarship

Jonathan Schwarzkopf Emerson W. and Marie K. Green Scholarship

Mackenna Sellers Thomas W. Lavoie Memorial Scholarship

Casey Sexton Nolan D. Stilgenbauer Scholarship

Korryn Shepard Mt. Pleasant High School Class of 1959 Scholarship

Kathryn Showalter Shepherd Public School Scholarship

Molly Siler James R. Hodgins Memorial Foreign Scholarship

Leah Smith J. Paul and Mary Ellen Janes Scholarship

Sydney Snyder Leonard E. and Louise A. Plachta Scholarship

Jalen Stalter-Brandenburger John D. and Judith M. Williams Scholarship

Connor Stempky Earl G. Hartman, Sr. & Caroline Millar Hartman Scholarship

Kate Tilton Governor John Engler Scholarship

Colleen VandenBussche Joyce and Gerry Carter Scholarship

Kasey Wallace Herbert H. Lueth Scholarship

Emilee Wezensky Carolynn Cosan Memorial Scholarship

Kendell Wilcox Isabella Bank Scholarship

Katelyn Zimmer Denison Family Scholarship

Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation announces return of 24-hour charitable giving event

Give Local Isabella returns on May 7 engaging community members in a single day of fundraising for their favorite local charitable organizations. Hosted by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation, the event offers organizations the opportunity to raise funds in a dynamic format while also expanding community interest in their missions.

Throughout the day, organizations have fun opportunities to earn matching funds and prizes. This year, we currently have 22 organizations participating. Give Local Isabella offers charitable organizations an opportunity to build their endowment fund. These endowment funds will ensure the longevity and sustainability of an organization and its mission.

“We have $30,000 of matching pool and prize funds from program sponsors Mt. Pleasant Abstract and Title and the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation,” said Steve Pung, development chair of the Community Foundation Board of Trustees. “This means that every donation on May 7 will be increased either by matching funds or prizes earned to make an even greater impact.”

MPACF aims to surpass the success of Give Local Isabella 2023 when community members contributed more than $79,000 to benefit 24 local organizations. The goal for 2024 is to raise more than $85k in donations.

"Give Local Isabella provides an opportunity for our community to rally together in support of our local charitable organizations," said Emma Powell, Vice President of the Community Foundation Board of Trustees.

For more information about Give Local Isabella, please visit